Episode 72: Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid (1969)

butchcassidyRedford and Newman. Two names that are amazing separately, but together they spell true Hollywood magic! This episode is all about the 1969 classic "Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid," which first paired Redford and Newman, and started an actor's bromance that turned out to be gold at the box office, as the number of Academy Awards this duo racked up shows! Written by the incredible William Goldman, and directed by George Hill, the film also stars the incredible Katherine Ross along with some great character actors like Henrey Jones, Jeff Corey, George Furth, Cloris Leachman, Ted Cassidy, and Kenneth Mars, this is a fusion of history and modernity, most clearly with the pop-jazz Burt Bacharach soundtrack, featuring a song everyone in the world probably knows!

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